Confidence Reset - The Series

Course Summary

 I hear it all the time…  

“I’m not as confident as people think I am”

or “I might come across as confident, but I don’t feel it inside”  

When we go deeper, it often comes back to a common theme: Your self-talk.  
- A lot of time is spent in judgement of self or others (no judgement from me for that)  
- You are by far your own worse critic
- And then there is comparison to the next person which leaves you feeling less than (the other) and far from confident

As a result your head can feel like a crappy place to hang out, which is unfortunate because you spend so long hanging out there! A lifetime in fact.  

I used to want to be anywhere but in my head at times - away from my inner mean girl (I'll bet you anything mine was meaner than yours haha)  

But here’s what I now know to be true…  You and I, we were born confident, worthy, loved… and then life unfolded. A series of events, circumstances, situations, people, lessons learnt that made you shrink a little (or a lot) inside, turn down your volume, maybe even shut down your voice.

Meanwhile the narrative in your mind just gets louder and harsher. Until you understand there is a better way to think and feel about yourself and it’s accessible to you now.  

That’s why I’ve created: Confidence Reset - The Series

In June 2021 I hosted 4 live trainings to help stop all that negative self talk and start to feel confident again.:
The Final Judgement
The Comparison Cure
Calm Your Inner Critic
Embody Confidence Now

Get instant access to the full series when you buy now for £55

Confidence Reset


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